To debug vanishing gradients in GANs, you can follow the following steps below:
- Loss Function: Use Wasserstein loss (WGAN) or hinge loss to stabilize gradients.
- Activation Functions: Replace saturating activations (e.g., sigmoid) with non-saturating ones (e.g., ReLU or LeakyReLU).
- Batch Normalization: Add BatchNorm layers in the generator.
- Gradient Monitoring: Check gradient values during training.
Here is the code snippet given below:

In the above code snippet, we are using the following approaches:
- Monitor Gradient Values: Use param.grad to check if gradients vanish.
- Loss Function: Use stable losses like Wasserstein.
- Adjust Architectures: Use BatchNorm, LeakyReLU, or spectral normalization.
Hence, by referring to the above, you can debug vanishing gradients in GANs during training.