You can deal with vanishing or exploding gradients when training deep generative models GANs, VAEs by referring to the steps below:
Gradient Clipping: Cap gradients to a maximum norm.
Proper Weight Initialization: Use initialization techniques like Xavier or He initialization.
Batch Normalization: Normalize layer inputs to stabilize training.
Adaptive Optimizers: Use optimizers like Adam or RMSprop to handle gradient scaling.
Smaller Learning Rates: Reduce the learning rate to control gradient updates.
Spectral Normalization (GANs): Normalize weights to constrain Lipschitz constant.
Skip Connections (VAEs): Use residual connections to mitigate gradient issues.
Here are the code references for the above steps which you can refer:
Hence, referring to the above, you deal with vanishing or exploding gradients when training deep generative models GANs VAEs.