You can use commands like this: hdfs dfs ...READ MORE
hadoop fs -text /hdfs-path-to-zipped-file.gz | hadoop fs ...READ MORE
Hi, To start with Hadoop I would suggest ...READ MORE
You need to solve the issue which ...READ MORE
When NameNode notices that it has not ...READ MORE
Hi, I can see the error arose because the count ...READ MORE
Create a spark-env.cmd file looking like this @echo off set ...READ MORE
As far I can make out from ...READ MORE
can someone help me with this please, ...READ MORE
Because map and reduce run on different ...READ MORE
I have set up a multi-node Hadoop ...READ MORE
Hello All, need assistance on one issue. ...READ MORE
You can use the hadoop fs -ls command to ...READ MORE
You can use this command to do ...READ MORE
Below is an example query which you ...READ MORE
Hey, You can delete a column family from ...READ MORE
Hi, We can see some steps to do ...READ MORE
First you have to have the file ...READ MORE
Suppose we have a data set as ...READ MORE
Dsqoop.export.records.per.statement=1 is as the name suggests how many ...READ MORE
You are using the below command to ...READ MORE
Try this instead: select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp()); If you have an ...READ MORE
Hadoop is a Java-based platform. So, to ...READ MORE
File metadata information is stored by Namenode ...READ MORE
Hi, The command sqoop help lists the tools ...READ MORE
I'm using command java -classpath ${HADOOP_CLASSPATH} -d '/home/shravanth/Desktop/wordcount/classes' ...READ MORE
The binary representation of a Text object ...READ MORE
Yarn container are a process space where ...READ MORE
Hi everyone, I am facing one issue ...READ MORE
job.setOutputValueClass will set the types expected as ...READ MORE
HDFS is capable to accept data in ...READ MORE
A value with a wrong datatype causes ...READ MORE
Hi, Check your and path in hdfs-site.xml. Or ...READ MORE
Hey, The error you are getting because the ...READ MORE
Outer Bag: An outer bag is nothing but ...READ MORE
The issue that you might be getting ...READ MORE
For avro you can follow the format ...READ MORE
It can be a hdfs path. The ...READ MORE
Hey, The error seems you have not add ...READ MORE
The reason for this error is because ...READ MORE
Hi, Try this, first delete all contents from ...READ MORE
Since your data is delimited with tabs ...READ MORE
I add mysql driver for sqoop and it ...READ MORE
Hello All, I am facing one issue, my ...READ MORE
The tables look fine. Follow these steps ...READ MORE
Refer to the below file det.txt: Name,Age,Location a,10,chennai b,20,bangalore We will ...READ MORE
Hi, You can change the owner to Hadoop ...READ MORE
Suppose you need to load this in ...READ MORE
I've gone through a process that is ...READ MORE
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