Hi everyone This is an error that I'm ...READ MORE
First, download Hive from the following link: Next, ...READ MORE
Hi, We know, In HDFS data is divided into ...READ MORE
Hi As your file size is too large, ...READ MORE
You have to do some configurations as ...READ MORE
I will redirect you to a link ...READ MORE
Splunk is a software platform to search, ...READ MORE
I add mysql driver for sqoop and it ...READ MORE
Hi @Ozer, This error occurred because there is ...READ MORE
Hey, Basically, with the following query, we can ...READ MORE
Try using Spark API to append the ...READ MORE
I will drop the answer in the ...READ MORE
You can not use column aliases in ...READ MORE
concatenation of substrings using the following code: select ...READ MORE
Hello, Have you tried to put the both ...READ MORE
Hello All, I am new to hadoop, i ...READ MORE
Sqoop allows you to import the file ...READ MORE
Seems like you've missed the source and ...READ MORE
Try using the below build.sbt, code.scala and command ...READ MORE
There are two mistakes in the command ...READ MORE
Vinyl-like crackle sounds. And what is my ...READ MORE
Hey, To create a Sequential znode, add -s flag as shown ...READ MORE
Refer to this example: Step1: Check table test1 ...READ MORE
When you try to read a parquet ...READ MORE
Below is also a way for Pivot SELECT ...READ MORE
Namenode is the node in the Hadoop ...READ MORE
--Create Hive external Table for existing data CREATE ...READ MORE
While running the below program, I got ...READ MORE
This particular exception is related to Hive logs. ...READ MORE
You can do it using regexp_replace. This is ...READ MORE
Hey, Yes, now Hive supports IN or EXIST, ...READ MORE
Run the following commands: ...READ MORE
Name Node is a primary node in ...READ MORE
This error is caused when hadoop tries ...READ MORE
val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("Demo").getOrCreate() val path = new ...READ MORE
Basically when we say Namespace we mean ...READ MORE
To unzip a gzipped (or bzipped) file, ...READ MORE
Hey, Removes a specified znode and recursively all ...READ MORE
You can reference the below steps: Step 1: ...READ MORE
Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure tool ...READ MORE
The hadoop command is not present in ...READ MORE
Hey, First, you need to have a running ...READ MORE
--fields-terminated-by <char> READ MORE
You have set the replication factor to ...READ MORE
Hi Edureka team. I would like to ...READ MORE
Hadoop V.1.x Components Apache Hadoop V.1.x has the ...READ MORE
You can browse hadoop page from any ...READ MORE
The command you are executing is slightly ...READ MORE
Change your following properties in hdfs-site.xml <property> ...READ MORE
At least 1 upper-case and 1 lower-case letter
Minimum 8 characters and Maximum 50 characters
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