How do I get a good job in AWS Cloud or Google cloud services in 2 years And what training should I take or what all skill sets should I aquire ASAP in just 2 year

+2 votes
I need to get a good professional job in 2 to 3 years

And I'm interested in cloud related topics but I'm really confused what field exactly should I choose and what should I do that gets me a job after 2 years????

Please guide me so that I start preparing AT ONCE!!

Any help would appreciated .

Thank you!!
Aug 3, 2020 in Career Counselling by Md Safwathullah
• 320 points

recategorized Aug 3, 2020 by Md Safwathullah 1,397 views

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

Hey, @Md Safwathullah,

As a Cloud Engineer, you will be working with crossfunctional teams which is a mix of software, operations, and architecture. This means when it comes to learning these skills, you would have quite a few options in your bag you can choose from. Here are some of the must-have cloud engineer skills:

1. Cloud Service Providers

2. Storage

3. Networking

4. Virtualization

5. Linux

6. Security and Disaster Recovery

7. Web Services And API

8. DevOps

You can refer to this for in-depth information on Skills You Should Learn To Become A Cloud Engineer.

Click here to learn more about AWS jobs, salary, and resume to become a cloud engineer.

You can opt for as you mentioned that you want to be professional in this field and get a job, so I would suggest you take up a certification course which will add more weightage to your resume. 

Happy Learning. 

Hope it helps!!

If you need to know more about Google Cloud, We recommend joining GCP Certification course today.


answered Aug 3, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points

Thank You so much for this information.

But I wanna ask if all these skill are necessary?

Because I am not so fan of Networking and Web services.

I can do the rest I think.

and Thanks for your time

Networking is related to cloud computing, as centralized computing resources are shared for clients over the Cloud.

Improved Internet access and reliable WAN bandwidth has made it easier to push more networking management functions into the Cloud. This, in turn, has spurred demand for cloud networking, as customers look for easier ways to build and access networks using a cloud-based service.

 Regarding Web services.

Cloud architectures are heavily based on APIs and Web Services because Web services provide developers with methods of integrating Web applications over the Internet.  XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI open standards are used to tag data, transfer data, describe, and list services available. Plus you need API to get the required integration done.

Thus having experience of working on websites, and related knowledge would help you have a strong core in developing Cloud Architectures.

So I would suggest being a perfect professional in this field it is better to have an idea of this sector.

Happy Learning.

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