How to mount a Cloud Filestore fileshare on a Compute Engine virtual machine VM

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What's the procedure to mount a Cloud Filestore Fileshare on a Linux VM instance on Compute Engine?
Oct 23, 2019 in GCP by Karan
• 19,610 points

1 answer to this question.

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To manually mount a fileshare to a Linux client VM:

  1. Go to the VM instance's page.

  2. Locate the Linux VM you want to use as a client, then click SSH to open a terminal on that VM.

  3. Install NFS by running the following commands:

    Use the following commands to install NFS on Debian or Ubuntu.

    sudo apt-get -y update
    sudo apt-get install nfs-common
  4. Make a local directory to map to the Cloud Filestore fileshare by running the following command:

    sudo mkdir -p [MOUNT_POINT_DIRECTORY]

    where [MOUNT_POINT_DIRECTORY] is the directory to create (for example /mnt/filedir).

  5. Mount the fileshare from the Cloud Filestore instance by running the mount command. You can use any NFS mount options. For the best performance, we recommend using the default NFS mount options, especially using a hard mount and having the rsize and wsize options set to 1 MB.

    Run the mount command, replacing [VALUES_IN_BRACKETS] with the appropriate values:



    • [IP_ADDRESS] is the IP address for the Cloud Filestore instance.

    • [FILESHARE] is the name of the fileshare on the instance.

    • [FILESHARE_SUB_DIR] is the path of the subdirectory in the fileshare to mount. To mount the entire fileshare, leave this blank.

    • [MOUNT_POINT_DIRECTORY] is the path where you want to map the Cloud Filestore fileshare to.

    You can get the IP address and fileshare name of an instance from any of following sources:

    • The Cloud Filestore instances page.

    • The IP_ADDRESS field in the results from the instances list command.

    • The ipaddresses section in the results from the instances describe command.

    For example, given a Cloud Filestore instance with an IP address and a fileshare named share1, the following command mounts the fileshare to the local mount point directory /mnt/render:

    sudo mount /mnt/render
  6. Optionally, run chmod to set permissions on the mount directory so that it is writable by other than the root user. Run the following command to set directory permissions, replacing [VALUES_IN_BRACKETS] with the appropriate values:



    • [PERMISSIONS] is the set of permissions to grant. For example, chmod go+rw makes the directory readable and writeable by users in the group that owns the directory and all other users. For more information about setting permissions, see Configuring access on a fileshare.

    • [MOUNT_POINT_DIRECTORY] is the path to the directory where the Cloud Filestore fileshare is mounted.

  7. Optional: Confirm that the Cloud Filestore fileshare is mounted by running the following command:

    df -h --type=nfs

    The output should contain an entry similar to the following:

     Filesystem        Size    Used  Avail  Use%  Mounted on  1018G   76M   966G   1%    /mnt/render    1018G   76M   966G   1%    /mnt/filestore3
  8. If the applications you plan to use with the mounted Cloud Filestore fileshare require NFS file locking, and this client VM instance is using something other than the default VPC network with unchanged settings, you might need to set two ports on the instance in order to make firewall configuration easier. For more information on determining if you need to configure a firewall rule for the VPC network, see Configuring Firewall Rules. For more information on setting ports, seeSetting NFS Ports.

Hope it works!!

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answered Oct 23, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

somebody tell me how to create FILESHARE_SUB_DIR in the fileshare.


we need 2 subfolder in the fileshare:

1. /share/data

2. /share/backup

Thank you!

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