What do you like to do outside your work [closed]

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There is a friend of mine who went for an interview and was asked this question. He just spoke about his hobbies and nothing else. Is it a way to answer this question? Or someone can suggest some better way to answer this?

closed with the note: Not an appropriate question.
May 1, 2019 in Career Counselling by sunny

closed Sep 11, 2019 by Sirajul 2,641 views
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An interview session, you might come up with this kind of questions. They usually check out of your job what kinds of stuff you do to improve yourself. Many companies feel culture fit is extremely important and they use outside interests as a way to determine how you will fit into a team. 

You should reply in such a manner where it should indicate some sort of growth: skills you are trying to learn, the goals you are trying to achieve. For example, I am working with an NGO, where I teach them how to grow in life. What path and ideology, one should follow to become successful in life.

answered May 1, 2019 by Gitika
• 65,770 points
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Hey Sunny, this question is usually asked by interviewers to see how creative or innovative you are. Or what you like to do with your free time. So while answering this question, you should be very careful. Tell the interviewers about your real interests like anything which involves creativity or your efforts like Reading books or Gardening or Writing or playing games, especially some outdoor sports.
answered Jun 21, 2019 by Anvi
• 14,150 points
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The interviewer's prime motive in asking this question might be to understand your persona, How effectively you use your free time to do something productive. Answer to this will also depict how you prioritize things in life.

So, the answer that you give should convey that you do something productive in your free time, May be learning new technologies, Reading books, Writing, indulging in sports, or anything that might seem effective with respect to time utility.
answered Jul 30, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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