Can I ask for higher salary after accepting offer letter

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I recently attended an interview and got selected. I made friends who had come for the interview and was in contact with them. 2 days ago I got the offer letter and accepted it. Today I was talking to a friend who attended that interview and I got to know he is getting a higher salary for the same role. Both of us are freshers. He told me that he negotiated during the interview and so got a higher salary. Is it Ok to ask for a higher salary now?
Jan 30, 2019 in Career Counselling by Piyush

3 answers to this question.

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It is not a good thing to negotiate after accepting the offer letter. It affects your impression. Before you think of negotiating, first think whether you are good or better than your friend that got a higher salary? Do you really require and deserve a higher salary? If your answer is a strong YES,  then you can think of negotiating. If you are not satisfied with the salary you are getting, you would not be efficient working there. If you really want to negotiate, then get in touch with the HR or Hiring In-charge and talk to them about the situation and explain why you deserve a higher salary. I would not advise you to do it though because there's a very little chance of getting higher salary and more chances of you getting fired. 

answered Jan 30, 2019 by Hemanth
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Hi ,

Once you have given your interview and you know that what salary your are going to get i guess there should be no question after that . If you think that you deserve better salary then you could have tried in some other place where you would get a higher package. But once you are into it i would suggest learn things which you will be working in , there are huge opportunities  are there where you can earn get good package with proper knowledge.

Asking your higher authority regarding increasing your salary on the day of joining or initial days are not  a good option for you. It will tend to decrease your impression inside the firm.
Always remember learning had no end , if you can learn you work properly then there should not be any other option left for not getting the higher good salary package .  

answered Apr 1, 2019 by sumita
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No, it gives a bad impression from the other end. The salary that is stated in your offer letter is the CTC that was discussed with you in HR Round. You could have discussed in the HR round but now it's too late.

Instead, perform well in a project or company work and then ask for a hike of salary, which can be accepted sometimes.
answered Jul 11, 2019 by anonymous
• 33,030 points

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