Can I earn high salary as a web developer

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I am presently working as a web developer but, I am in dilemma that how much I can earn after having some experience? Can anyone tell me?

May 8, 2019 in Career Counselling by sunny
Full Stack Developers really have a handsome pay package. Do continue your career in web development and work towards upskilling to become a full stack developer!

All the best!

3 answers to this question.

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Web developers are in high demand with the increasing number of product based companies. Salaries right now are directly dependent on the skill sets that you bring in. If you have the right set of skills, you can choose your package. Within web development we can choose to be:

Front end developer:- The features that showcased on the websites are handled by the front end developers. Skills required- Javascript, AngularJS. Average salary 4-6 LPA.

Back end developers:- You are involved in writing all the necessary codes for the core logic of the websites. Skills required - Javascript, cloud, JSON. Average Salary 5-6 LPA.

Mean stack developers:-  Full or Mean stack developers are quite in demand right now due to their knowledge of both front end and back end stack development. Skills required:- Javascript, AngularJS, CSS, HTML. Average salary 5-8 LPA.

So choose your area of work according to your interest and try to develop your skills every day.

Hope this is helpful!

Enroll in Web Developer Course online to learn more in detail.


answered May 8, 2019 by Gitika
• 65,770 points
0 votes

Hey Sunny, salary of a web developer depends completely on the level of experience they have and the skillset they possess. If you have a vast tech stack like working on different front-end as well as backend technologies, then you can earn upto 6.0-8.0 LPA. While if you have an experience of around 6-8 yrs, then you can get salary around 10.0-14.0 LPA. 

Just keep in mind, web development is a domain where new technologies keeps on emerging anf you have to keep yourself updated with them to stand out from the crowd and earn good salary. These days, if you are a Full-stack or MEAN stack developer then you can earn a really good salary.

answered Jun 21, 2019 by Anvi
• 14,150 points
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Web designer do earn more than application developers if you are experienced in various frameworks and different languages.

Average salary for Web deigner gets higher with experience in the range of 4 - 6LPA and for expereienced deisgners in the range of 6 - 8 LPA
answered Jul 15, 2019 by anonymous

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