How to learn Big Data Hadoop

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I want to learn Big Data Hadoop. But i don't know where to start. I am not really sure whether I am gonna make a career out of it but that is a possible option. So how do you suggest I start learning?
Nov 6, 2018 in Career Counselling by digger
• 26,740 points

3 answers to this question.

0 votes

Well, you can start with watching Youtube videos and reading blogs. Try to understand the basics of Hadoop. What hadoop is, how it works, applications. There are many free resources you can use. While you are doing this, you can decide whether you want to choose Hadoop as your career or not. Once you decide to make it your career, you can get only certified courses which will help you fetch jobs.

Hope this helped..

To know more about Big Data, It's recommended to join Big Data Course today.

answered Nov 6, 2018 by Omkar
• 69,220 points
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The best way of learning any technology is by doing hands-on.

You can watch videos from youtube and then practice them all by yourself.

You can also go for online classes from edureka, udemy, coursera.
answered Feb 26, 2019 by David
0 votes

If you want to learn Big Data there are lots of videos you will get on Youtube , go through some of the videos and try to read blogs regarding this . At first you need to learn what Big Data is, how it came, what is hadoop, why hadoop came in this scenario , how does it work , how its process. with little bit of hard work  you can grab your career.

And if you want to take it as your career then i would suggest you to go for some certifies course so that you can get some hands-on experience that what exactly it is.

answered Apr 3, 2019 by sunny

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