I'm trying to replicate an extremely basic manually configured AWS ECS Fargate deployment of a single container using CloudFormation. Looks like I'm almost there; the resulting stack spins up a container I can access. But there are no logs.
I compared my manual task (created via the UI) and the CloudFormation one, and added an identical log configuration to the container definition, but simply changing the log group from /ecs/foo to /ecs/bar:
LogDriver: awslogs
awslogs-create-group: true
awslogs-group: '/ecs/bar'
awslogs-region: !Ref AWS::Region
awslogs-stream-prefix: 'ecs'
But now the the task fails to start a container. It gives an error like this:
Resourceinitializationerror: failed to validate logger args: create stream has been retried 1 times: failed to create Cloudwatch log group: AccessDeniedException: User: arn:aws:sts::…:assumed-role/ecsTaskExecutionRole/… is not authorized to perform: logs:CreateLogGroup on resource: arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:…:log-group:/ecs/bar:log-stream: because no identity-based policy allows the logs:CreateLogGroup action status code: 400, request id: … : exit status 1
One documentation page mentions this logs:CreateLogGroup permission, and says:
To use the awslogs-create-group option, add logs:CreateLogGroup as an inline IAM policy.
But what I don't understand is how my CloudFormation template differs from the stack manually created via the UI. By looking at the generated template for the manually-created stack, it appears both task definitions indicate the ecsTaskExecutionRole. My CloudFormation template task definition has this:
ExecutionRoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::…:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole'
How was the manually-created stack able to create the log group, but my standalone from-scratch CloudFormation template could not? Where would I indicate the logs:CreateLogGroup permission? The manually-created stack doesn't seem to indicate any inline policy. (Admittedly for some reason the manually-created task definition doesn't seem to use a CloudFormation stack, so maybe it has some hidden settings I'm not seeing in the UI.)