AWS S3 uploading hidden files by default

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I have created a bucket in AWS and a couple of IAM. The IAM by default are included in a group with read-only access. However, when I create my bucket I generated a policy to grant access to specific IAM to listput and get. Now I'm trying to run a simple command to put a file with one of these AWS IAM from my site:

aws s3api put-object --bucket <bucket name>  --key poc/test.txt  --body <windows path file>

The output is successful, means that the files are always loaded. However, when I take a look the bucket in AWS I have to click on show because all loadings are setting the bucket content as hidden.

enter image description here

The account that I'm using to verify the files uploaded in AWS has manager access in S3 and I'm going thru the web console. How should I load the files without the hidden mark?


Oct 4, 2018 in AWS by eatcodesleeprepeat
• 4,710 points

1 answer to this question.

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versioning is enabled in your bucket.….... the file upload is successful as you see the file in the console, are you looking any specific details?
 if Versioning is enabled, the console is designed to show the latest version of
particular file, unless you click on Show option. Similarly, when you call get-object API call, you will get the latest version of file. To be able to retrieve specific version, you must add --version-id parameter with desired version identifier

answered Oct 4, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,020 points

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