Try this: // Fix first row workSheet.Activate(); workSheet.Application.ActiveWindow.SplitRow = 1; workSheet.Application.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes ...READ MORE
Use Application.MacroOptions This example adds a user-defined macro ...READ MORE
It is a floating point error. Increase ...READ MORE
Remove at least one parameter: exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_COLLAPSE_ROW_SPAN,Boolean.TRUE) Note that JRXlsExportParameter is deprecated the correct ...READ MORE
In my application, I'm experiencing a similar ...READ MORE
If you are using VLOOKUP like this: =VLOOKUP(A2,D2:Z10,3,FALSE) i.e. ...READ MORE
It is checking the last row if ...READ MORE
I tested some sample code. The cell ...READ MORE
Try this: With xlApp.ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(PicPath) With ...READ MORE
You can reference a shape by using ...READ MORE
After receiving a request, I'll put the ...READ MORE
This code will work: Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop Private Sub Button1_Click(sender ...READ MORE
However, Aspose.Cells APIs cannot directly convert Excel ...READ MORE
Change an override Fill=P to, for instance, ...READ MORE
I'm not sure if it is a ...READ MORE
After creating the request, you must actually ...READ MORE
The final formula is: =IF(ROWS($H$3:H3)<=$I$1,INDEX(Personnel! ...READ MORE
Format these cells with custom format ?\% READ MORE
Use batch geocode your file on This ...READ MORE
You can use SUMPRODUCT for this. Assuming X is in cell B1, ...READ MORE
Try using this: =ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Some Text", A3)) This will return TRUE if ...READ MORE
If you have certain data that you ...READ MORE
You misunderstand the purpose of the function ...READ MORE
you have the XLConnect package. Read the documentation or the vignette of that ...READ MORE
In the simplest form: import win32com.client o = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") o.Visible ...READ MORE
Try this: CellRangeAddress range= new CellRangeAddress(firstrow, lastrow, firstcol, ...READ MORE
Try the following User Defined Function: Public Function ...READ MORE
You need to set run64BitRuntime to False. ...READ MORE
Add the command button to the worksheet ...READ MORE
Android offers openFileInput and openFileOutput from the ...READ MORE
Consider: =SUMPRODUCT((A1:E1="apple")*(A2:E2)) To include more ...READ MORE
Since you tested the Excel file and ...READ MORE
Try this: Public Sub Mail_Merge() On Error GoTo ErrH Dim ...READ MORE
If the cells in a row have ...READ MORE
The "awkward code" is an R1C1 notation ...READ MORE
Sep to calculate CAGR. Excel has an ...READ MORE
This will answer your question : Changing ...READ MORE
Change your code to this: worksheet.get_Range("B3", "B4").Cells.Font.Name = ...READ MORE
The JET/Access driver has a number of ...READ MORE
Here is a solution that is effective. ...READ MORE
I am using (docker, deploy using k8s....). How ...READ MORE
Use NuGet (VS 2013+): The NuGet package manager ...READ MORE
Follow these procedures to update the master ...READ MORE
Try it: In capacitor.config.json file, we have ...READ MORE
You can use an IF statement to ...READ MORE
ISBLANK will return TRUE only when a ...READ MORE
As requested, you can carry out the ...READ MORE
Two things: A pie chart does not aggregate ...READ MORE
Due to the fact that the "dates" ...READ MORE
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