Hi, To work with Hadoop you can also ...READ MORE
Hey, You can use this command to print ...READ MORE
You can get the current time using ...READ MORE
Hi, You can follow these steps which can ...READ MORE
Hi, You can use the command below: $ oozie ...READ MORE
Hi, Using alter, you can set and remove ...READ MORE
Please use the sqoop list database syntax ...READ MORE
Hi, You should execute the command hdfs dfs -ls ...READ MORE
Hi, There is a possibility that because of ...READ MORE
I have made a little change to ...READ MORE
I could redirect to a Python library ...READ MORE
Hey, I guess the error you are facing ...READ MORE
Hey, These are the listed properties that need ...READ MORE
Can someone mention what are the commonly ...READ MORE
Hey, This is the command you can use: oozie ...READ MORE
You can use the GRANT ROLE statement ...READ MORE
When we set number of mappers to ...READ MORE
Hi, To check the directory is present in ...READ MORE
If you are loading your data from ...READ MORE
Hadoop is basically designed including HDFS loaded with ...READ MORE
Hi, Oozie CLI retries the connection to Oozie servers ...READ MORE
Can anyone explain how to execute Job ...READ MORE
Hadoop Docker Hub provides Hadoop Images, You ...READ MORE
I hope I understood your issue and ...READ MORE
Hey, You can create a Hive table using ...READ MORE
Hi, You can use this example : oozie hive ...READ MORE
Hey, You can use this example to see, $ ...READ MORE
Spark and Hadoop both are the open-source ...READ MORE
First of all, Let us get a ...READ MORE
Hey, You can use this syntax below: SELECT [ALL ...READ MORE
Dynamic partition is set to true by ...READ MORE
Perhaps, you have slightly misunderstood the method ...READ MORE
Hi, You can use this command to the ...READ MORE
Hey, The SerDe interface allows you to instruct ...READ MORE
Do a: sudo dpkg -l | grep hadoop to ...READ MORE
I can help you on this one. Requirement: ...READ MORE
Split size is approximately equal to block ...READ MORE
Hey, The create external keyword is used to create a ...READ MORE
Hey, From the master node, you can start ...READ MORE
Follow the below steps to load the ...READ MORE
Are you sure you're running Hadoop on 32bit ...READ MORE
Hi, Oozie prepares a Hadoop configuration file which ...READ MORE
To configure Oozie to use MySQL, open ...READ MORE
To install Hadoop setup on the 4-node ...READ MORE
Client submits job to Namenode. To achieve this, Client ...READ MORE
You can enable data compression from the ...READ MORE
Before installing Sqoop, make sure Hadoop is ...READ MORE
Hey, To access the HBase shell, you have ...READ MORE
This is the command you can use: $ ...READ MORE
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