We do not have access to hive ...READ MORE
Hi @asif, Share with us please the application ...READ MORE
Suppose you have two dataset results( id, ...READ MORE
Hey, In Apache Spark, the data storage model is ...READ MORE
Instead of spliting on '\n'. You should ...READ MORE
Seems like you have not started the ...READ MORE
There seems to be a problem with ...READ MORE
Hey, You can follow this below solution for ...READ MORE
df.registerTempTable(“airports”) This command is used to register ...READ MORE
You can do this by turning off ...READ MORE
Try df.where($"cola".isNotNull && $"cola" =!= "" && !$"colb".isin(2,3)) your ...READ MORE
Give read-write permissions to C:\tmp\hive folder Cd to winutils bin folder ...READ MORE
Hello, From the error I get that the ...READ MORE
Yes we can add columns to the ...READ MORE
import sqlContext.implicits._ import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructType, StructField, LongType} val df ...READ MORE
Hi, foreach() operation is an action. It does not ...READ MORE
1) First we loaded the data to ...READ MORE
Please check the below mentioned links for ...READ MORE
Hey, sortByKey() is a transformation. It returns an RDD sorted ...READ MORE
1. We will check whether master and ...READ MORE
As far as I understand your intentions ...READ MORE
I used Spark 1.5.2 with Hadoop 2.6 ...READ MORE
In spark 2.0.+ it should look something ...READ MORE
Hey, A sparse vector is used for storing ...READ MORE
Try this, it should work: > from pyspark.sql.functions ...READ MORE
Hey, For this purpose, we use the single ...READ MORE
Hey, You need to follow some steps to complete ...READ MORE
Hi, You need to edit one property in ...READ MORE
Start spark shell using below line of ...READ MORE
In a Spark application, when you invoke ...READ MORE
You can do this using globbing. See ...READ MORE
scala> val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(List(1,2,3,4,5)) - Creating ...READ MORE
Hey, You can try this: from pyspark import SparkContext SparkContext.stop(sc) sc ...READ MORE
Hey @c.kothamasu You should copy your file to ...READ MORE
Hi, Apache Spark is an advanced data processing ...READ MORE
Hi, You can resolve this error with a ...READ MORE
what is the benefit of repartition(1) and ...READ MORE
Hey, Use SparkContext.union(...) instead to union many RDDs at once You ...READ MORE
Hi, To launch spark application in cluster mode, ...READ MORE
You need to declare the variable which ...READ MORE
Seems like Spark hadoop daemons are not ...READ MORE
Try including the package while starting the ...READ MORE
The cache() is used only the default storage level ...READ MORE
Hey, You can try this code to get ...READ MORE
Hey, It already has SparkContent.union and it does know how to ...READ MORE
Hey, It takes a function that operates on two ...READ MORE
Hey, ofDim() is a method in Scala that ...READ MORE
You can select the column and apply ...READ MORE
Hi, You can try this remove brackets from ...READ MORE
SparkContext sets up internal services and establishes ...READ MORE
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