Suppose you have two dataset results( id, result) and student(name, id). Now, you can join the RDD by using the below commands in Spark on the basis of the common key id.
case class results (roll_id: Int, result: String)
case class students (name: String, roll_id: Int)
val a = sc.textFile("file:///home/edureka/Desktop/all-files/datsets/f1").map(_.split("\t" )) // mention complete path for input dataset
val b = sc.textFile("file:///home/edureka/Desktop/all-files/datsets/f2").map(_.split("\t"))
val class_a = z => (z(0).toInt , results(z(0).toInt , z(1))))
val class_b = z => (z(1).toInt , students (z(0), z(1).toInt)))
val v_join = class_a.join(class_b)