What I want?
I have 3 columns (2 dimensions and 1 measure) and I want to use the measure column based on some of the string occurrences from the dimensions columns.
Sample columns: 'Event', 'Screen' and 'Time'
Sample Dataset: (NOTE: There are many other values along with these, but I require only the ones in the lower cases i.e., NULLs and NAVIGATIONs are to be excluded)

I want a single calculated field with three steps that yields as below:
(2*count of "name submitted" occurances in Event) - (AVG time of corresponding "name submitted" (from Event) * count of "name submitted" occurances in Event)
(2*count of "address added" occurances in Event) - (AVG time of corresponding "Add address" (from screen) * count of "address added" occurances in Event)
(2*count of "order created" occurances in Event) - (AVG time of corresponding sum of "orders"+"order detail"+"order confirmation" (from screen) * count of "order created" occurances in Event)
My approach:
I have dragged Event and Screen dimensions to the filter pane and selected all the values including NAVIGATION AND NULL (as these fields correspond to the time that I need in the calculation) and it didn't quite work!
I have also created PARAMETERS for Event and Screen for each of the three steps of the calculation (above) and it didn't work either!
So, what would be a best way to achieve the above calculation?
Any help is much appreciated.