masters in India or abroad

+3 votes
So i'm planning on doing my masters and i want to know whether its better to do it in India or try some place else?
Jul 3, 2018 in Career Counselling by Hannah
• 18,520 points

39 answers to this question.

0 votes
I personally would prefer not doing it in India because i'm very against the Indian education system.

anyone agreeing with me please help me decide where to do it from if not India.
answered Jul 4, 2018 by Kalgi
• 52,350 points
+1 vote
for masters in India we do have a very strict filteration process and its tough here as you know about the MBA and Mtech. In India we do have limited seats and again those have reservations, so for the normal people to get in there is a big task and this task has very descent outcomes you get to be related with the heritage institutes here which promise a career boost. In abroad what happens is they dont have that strict filteration process and the exams are relatively easy out there we do have open education scenario that is of more benefit and once you come back to India you get to see that on your career. So both are great at their own way and yes I prefer India for masters as the level of knowledge and interaction you get builds your career and your personality in a better way.
answered Jul 4, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,020 points
0 votes
Knowledge is the same everywhere, doing it in india or abroad is the same. Its just that doing it in india would be cheaper.
answered Jul 6, 2018 by halelua
0 votes
If you want money then go for masters in abroad else do it from India itself.
answered Jul 6, 2018 by Eminem
0 votes
India has very few institutes that provide quality education for masters program.. There are more people wanting to do masters than there are vacancies.. It is difficult for people to get admission in these institutes and there is no use of doing masters in institutes that dont provide quality education.. There are many opportunities for masters abroad... So i would prefer masters in abroad
answered Jul 6, 2018 by your_teacher
+1 vote

Doing masters in abroad you will have an international experience, you will get to know people from different culture. With international experience on the CV, you can pitch yourself better in the job market, and may get a lead over the other candidates applying for the same job. Let’s face it. It is an eye catcher on your resume and can fetch you higher pay package as well.

answered Jul 6, 2018 by Nabarupa
0 votes
Doing it abroad is obviously better but at the end what matters is if you can get that invested money back by getting a good job. so make sure you don't invest more than you can get it back.
answered Jul 6, 2018 by maverick
0 votes
If i were to decide as where am i going to pursue my masters it woul definitely be India because we would get better colleges here aswell and the bonus is we get the chance to stay close to the family
answered Jul 6, 2018 by Adrik
0 votes
In India when you go for the Masters the source of income that you have is The stipend and the money from your parents. You dont need to worry about the money you can completely focus on your studies while in abroad you need to get a temp job to survive the expenses hence you cannot completely focus on your studies. Hence Its India for masters!
answered Jul 6, 2018 by Sneha
0 votes
Well, it depends on what masters your going for.

Masters in technology like an MS is better off done in India.

But a Masters in management like an MBA is better off done Abroad.
answered Jul 6, 2018 by niraj_kumar
0 votes
doing masters in abroad would make you a more independent person.. you would learn how to adapt to new culture, environment and how to face new challenges... when you are in some other country, you might face situations which would be to easy to solve if you were in India, this would improve your independence...
answered Jul 6, 2018 by kamlesh
0 votes
Its difficult to get in India because of the reservation policy.
answered Jul 6, 2018 by anonymous
0 votes
Doing masters abroad would boost your CV. There are many companies and HR who are looking for foreign experiences in candidates. So doing masters abroad would make a good impression on the HR
answered Jul 7, 2018 by anonymous
0 votes
Indian colleges look just for marks but colleges in Europe, Canada, US and many other countries pay more attention on extra curriculum as a part of their admission process as well as their curriculum. It just gets better for most of us to get in such colleges.
answered Jul 7, 2018 by rebel
0 votes
The facility you get in Abroad are way better than those available here. At the end of the day you want your betterment as if you excel then only you will be able to help others  hence go abroad then comeback!
answered Jul 10, 2018 by Nishu
Can you elaborate on how it is actually better?
0 votes
I would prefer masters in India because if you have the ability to do the work and research then why dont you contribute it to your own country rather go abroad boost up their economy!
Have responsibility towards your country aswell
answered Jul 10, 2018 by Yamini
0 votes
By doing masters abroad you get a lot of schorlarship opportunities, research opportunities and career benefits.. So i would suggest you to do masters abroad
answered Jul 10, 2018 by optilan
0 votes
I've always lived with my parents and desperate to try the hostel or a life away from home and parents. I would prefer getting a student loan and doing it abroad. It would be an amazing experience. I would not only learn my subjects but also learn to survive on my own.
answered Jul 10, 2018 by radhakrishnan
0 votes
Doing masters abroad is better because you will have a better impression from an interview point of view..
answered Jul 10, 2018 by myme
0 votes
I would prefer doing it India. Its too expensive abroad
answered Jul 10, 2018 by shelly
But you have to also think if doing it here in India will make a difference? Will it be as valued? And also keep in mind that the competition here will be immense.
0 votes
According to me, what matters is the education. It will be a waste if you go abroad and get admission in any other Institute then your 2 years will be wasted and your money aswell


If you choose to stay here and get admission in any colleges then it will be the same case just you would spend less money!
answered Jul 12, 2018 by Thinkb4udo
0 votes
there is always this question in my head when i see my seniors going abroad for their masters.
But i suggest you that complete your masters from a prestigious institute no matter its in India or Abroad!
all you need is a quality education!
answered Jul 12, 2018 by Ramashish
0 votes
Obviously doing it abroad is a better option, it holds more value.
answered Jul 12, 2018 by sherly
0 votes
I suggest you do masters abroad because in India, Universities offer less number of courses compared to abroad
answered Jul 12, 2018 by kamal
0 votes
Its better to do masters abroad because the education system there is better and you'll get lot of knowledge and your resume will be strong with abroad education in it
answered Jul 12, 2018 by Raju
0 votes
Its easier to get a high paying job once masters is completed abroad. In india also you get good paying jobs but the raise is not much.
answered Jul 12, 2018 by shaili
0 votes
Indian universities do not allow changing branches once the course has began, but most of the universities abroad has this facility. It makes it easier for students to change their streams mid course.
answered Jul 12, 2018 by neha
0 votes
Obviously its better to do in India. You'll save a lot of money.
answered Jul 12, 2018 by rekha
0 votes
In India we lack practical knowledge. We are taught the theory part of the subjects but never got the opportunity to know how exactly things work which is the most important requirement of companies. In most of the colleges in abroad they have a co-op sem where they can apply their theoritical knowledge.
answered Jul 12, 2018 by meena
0 votes
You should do masters in abroad because many countries provider good scholarship.. and if you are studying abroad then you can work part time to take care of your expenses which will help you become independent..
answered Jul 12, 2018 by priyaj
0 votes
Doing masters in India is better because you can stay close to your family and visit them frequently.. And if you are sick or in any problem, even they can come to you quickly..
answered Jul 12, 2018 by neha
0 votes
Knowledge is knowledge, you can gain it from anywhere.

Just do it from wherever its easy for you to do it from.

I would honestly prefer doing it from India.
answered Jul 20, 2018 by krishti
0 votes
If you're not a bookworm and have good experience with extra curriculum it would be easier to get in a good university abroad. But totally depends on you.
answered Jul 20, 2018 by akaash
0 votes
In India you know as what actually colleges are but that won't happen in Abroad as there are only a bunch of prestigious colleges and the remaining colleges are just for the sake.  So my suggestion would be that either you get into one of the renowned colleges in India or if planning for abroad verify the status of the college you get into.

All the best @Hannah
answered Jul 20, 2018 by Ravi Kumar
0 votes
I will justify both

Master's in India
1. Cost incurred is less

2. You get to be in your country

3. Get a good quality knowledge from great teachers

4. Get a chance to work for your countries economy.

5. You get to meet your parents very often

Mater's in Abroad

1. Get to learn a different culture

2. Cost incurred is more

3. You get a different life style

4. You get advancement in tech

5. Get to learn from teachers of different region

6. Get to explore different human behaviour.
answered Jul 20, 2018 by Rajat
0 votes
Depends on the course.

If its masters in the field of computers, California is the best.

Just make sure you do it from the best university even if that means taking a break or year off.
answered Jul 24, 2018 by Gaithri
0 votes
Better to do masters abroad because in India the quality of education is low and is very partial towards students of different attributes.
answered Jul 25, 2018 by Raghu
0 votes
India would be cheaper when you talk about getting your masters degree. Education here in India is good in terms of quality. You get the blend of our heritage. I would prefer get your masters in India as you get to stay close with your dear ones
answered Jul 25, 2018 by Radhika
0 votes
Do from anywhere but keep this one thing in mind, if does not fetch you a good job where you can earn the spent money back there's no point in doing it.
answered Jul 25, 2018 by drishti

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