Solidity Code to hide message sender address msg sender when writing on a contract

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Solidity: Code to hide message sender address (msg.sender) when writing on a contract

Is it possible to hide message sender (msg.sender) address when writing to a contract to pick any other number like a number 1.

Kindly assist.

Kind Regards,
Sep 14, 2020 in Blockchain by Wilson
• 140 points

1 answer to this question.

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Hey @Wilson,

You can use a smart contract as an agreement between a seller and a buyer when planning a remote purchase.

The main idea is that both seller and buyer send double the value of the item in Ether. When the buyer receives it, they get half of their Ether back. The other half is sent to the seller as payment. Therefore, the seller receives triple the value of their sale, as they also get their Ether refunded.

For your query, you are required to follow a few steps. I would suggest you visit here for the code and functionalities

answered Sep 14, 2020 by Rajiv
• 8,870 points
Thanks what am looking for is a code that picks the  (msg.sender) address and alters it to another identity e.g  (msg.sender) is identified as 5.

Simple sample code with this feature missing:

pragma solidity ^ 0.4.0;

contract sender1{
    string word = "We have tied the address";
    address public issuer;
    constructor () public
        issuer = msg.sender;
    function getword() public constant returns (string) {
        return word;
    function setword(string newword) public returns (string)
    if (issuer != msg.sender)
        word = "Not the message owner";
        return word;
    word = newword;
    return word;

The sender address can be altered to another identity e.g 5.

Hi, @Wilson

I would suggest you go through this:

I hope the code you want is given here.


You can use hashing if you don't want to show an address.


Any sample code for hashing address you might be having?

Hello, @Wilson,

Regarding your query, I guess you need to follow a few steps, for that I suggest you go through this:

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