Is the msg sender address changed while passing to another contract as a parameter

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I'm here to ask my problem on solidity code.

Here is simple example code. Contract 'Map' has a mapped data. It has each address's T/F values. I created an account X and add it to 'simpleMap'.

Contract 'Ask' lookup mapping data through 'Map' contract. What I expected result when X called askMe() was TRUE but it was always FALSE.

When I called whoIsMsgSender it returns the exact X's account. What's the problem??

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

contract Map {
    mapping (address => bool) simpleMap;

    function add(address _address) external {
        simpleMap[_address] = true;

    function isTrue(address _address) external view returns (bool _ret) {
        return simpleMap[_address];

contract Ask {
    Map public map = Map(Map's address like 0x~~ just for test);
    function askMe() external view returns (bool _ret) {
        return map.isTrue(msg.sender);

    function whoIsMsgSender() external view returns (address _address) {
        return msg.sender;
Oct 10, 2018 in Blockchain by slayer
• 29,370 points

1 answer to this question.

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I tried your contracts in Remix, but askMe() returned true for me. How are you separating the two contracts? Maybe Map is not yet deployed before Ask is trying to call a function on it. I separated the two contracts:

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

contract Map {
    mapping (address => bool) simpleMap;

    function add(address _address) external {
        simpleMap[_address] = true;

    function isTrue(address _address) external view returns (bool _ret) {
        return simpleMap[_address];

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

contract Map { function isTrue(address _address) external view returns (bool _ret); }

contract Ask {
    Map public map = Map(MAP_ADDRESS);
    function askMe() external view returns (bool _ret) {
        return map.isTrue(msg.sender);

    function whoIsMsgSender() external view returns (address _address) {
        return msg.sender;
answered Oct 10, 2018 by Omkar
• 69,220 points

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