What sholud be the practise for good MicroStrategy workflow

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If anybody could help!
Jun 26, 2018 in MicroStrategy by Perry
• 17,100 points

2 answers to this question.

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To be precise you can:

  • Use Object Manager packages to deploy changes
  • Test changes with Integrity Manager, to catch any issues as early as possible
  • Use a release control project/environment, so you're not catching issues in your production environment
  • Assign responsibility for schema objects to a specific person or persons where possible.
answered Jun 26, 2018 by scarlett
• 1,290 points
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Hii ,

MicroStrategy development in a team environment, deploying from development to live, can be very challenging. As you rightly point out, the lack of version control, and unknown interdependencies between objects can cause untold problems. There's no one right answer to this question, but I would suggest the following:

Use all the tools provided by MicroStrategy. When you're deploying from one project to another, don't just drag and drop in Object Manager, create a package. When you deploy that package, make sure you choose to create an undo package, so you can rollback changes if you encounter any problems.

On that note, try to catch these problems in advance. Running Integrity Manager before and after a deployment, even if it's just to generate SQL for the reports, will point out if you've broken anything. On that note:

Create a third environment/project. Call this test/release control, whatever you prefer. Here you can test packages created in Object Manager, to ensure that they have the desired effect, and don't break anything. In effect, this is a dry run for your deployment to live. This environment should be regularly refreshed from live (via project duplication), to make sure it doesn't get in an unexpected state (as the result of a broken Object Manager package import for example).

Over and above that, I can only offer organisational advice. It's not uncommon for one person to take responsibility for schema objects (i.e. facts, attributes, transformations) so that developers don't undo each other's changes. If you have a large project, these objects could be split into functional areas, and individuals assigned.

Documentation is always tricky, but I like to put as much as possible into the object descriptions. This has the advantage of being visible in the Web interface (via tooltips), and included in the automated project documentation, should you choose to generate that. There is obviously the change log functionality for each object, but in my experience, those logs are soon not completed by developers, as saving happens too frequently. Still, if you can get people to populate that, you'd have a head start on understanding the change in your project.

Thank you,hope my answer willl help you.
answered Jul 13, 2020 by anonymous
• 340 points

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