Flutter plugin not installed this adds Flutter specific functionality

+1 vote

Hi Guys,

I try to run the flutter doctor command in my command prompt. But it is showing me the below error.

C:\Users\Nadeem Akhter>flutter doctor
Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[√] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.17.5, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.959], locale en-IN)
[√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.1)
[!] Android Studio (version 4.0)
    X Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality.
    X Dart plugin not installed; this adds Dart specific functionality.
[!] Connected device
    ! No devices available
! Doctor found issues in 2 categories.

How can I solve this error?

Jul 17, 2020 in Others by akhtar
• 38,260 points
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2 answers to this question.

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You need to install the flutter plugin in your Android studio. Flutter will use Dart language to develop an app. You can follow the below steps.

  • Start your Android studio.

  • In the configuration section, you can find plugins. Click on the plugin button.

  • You can find a flutter plugin. Download this plugin and restart your Android studio.

To know more, join our Flutter Development Course today.

answered Jul 17, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points
I did this already still showing same issue


First, check all the plugins that are installed or not for Flutter. If you have already installed the plugins, then close your command line and restart your CMD.

Installed all the plugins, restarted the android studio as well as command prompt, but still getting the same issue after running the flutter doctor command.

Please help me with this issue.

Thank you.


If possible, post your output of the flutter doctor command.

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Hatayı çözebildin mi? Bende de aynı hata var.
answered Nov 21, 2020 by Osman
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