ModuleNotFoundError No module named pyttsx3

+2 votes

I am trying to import pyttsx3 module in my python code, but It shows me the below error. 

>>>Import pyttsx3 
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyttsx3

How can I solve this error?

Apr 24, 2020 in Python by akhtar
• 38,260 points
I use MacOS Big Sur 11.2., python 3.9

I used pip install pyttsx3

I tried pip install wheel

In pip list I can see pyttsx3, but when I want to import pyttsx3 I got no module error.

Does anyone know what the problem is?

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote


To avoid this error you have to install this module in your system using the below command.

$ pip install pyttsx3
$ conda install pyttsx3

Hope this will help.

answered Apr 24, 2020 by MD
• 95,460 points

Hey, @Atharva,

Which version of Python your Pycharm is set and on which version of Python you installed the module, please post the versions here. You can do more things, Go to File -> Settings -> Project:.. -> Project Interpreter, and check which version of Python you run on the project. Then go to the CMD/ terminal and write pip -V and it will tell you the pip version and the Python one. Might be a different version.

At a guess - installing the correct library into your environment would help.

I don’t know if you are using a virtual environment - they certainly recommend, but in your working environment (i.e. the same environment you are trying to run the script) execute this command :

pip install pyttsx3 

    I think you are missing the pyttsx3 package.

    Hello, @Atharva,

    Regarding the error, you are facing, all the solutions whichever is possible to resolve the issue will be mentioned here, you can easily come here and have a look. 

    It may happen that somebody else might have face the same error and can get help from the discussion here.

    I hope you will understand and hopefully the issue will be sorted out soon!!!

    I am also facing the same problem but have resolved this by installing the wheel.

    pip install wheel

    Try this
    nope it's shows conda is not recognized
    me either bro , when i check Command Prompt , it shows that it's already installed , but i think you've found a solution to that now after 3 years hhahahaha
    0 votes
    If you have installed Anaconda  Navigator then open it and follow the steps

    1. On CMD.exe Prompt click on Launch

    2. On CMD pip install pipenv

    3. pipenv install pyttsx3

    4. Open the Eclipse IDE and go to Windows then Preferences

    5. Click on PyDev

    6. Click on Interpreters

    7. Click on Python Interpreters

    8. Click on Libraries then New Folder

    9. C:\Python\Python3.8.2\lib\site-packages

    10. Select the folder

    11. Click Apply and Close

    After all the steps it should work because I was facing the same problem and I solved it.
    answered Oct 12, 2020 by Jamil
    0 votes
    I had the same issue. The problem for me was that I installed pyttsx3 using python2. You should use python3 and it will work. I also updated pip, and just in case I uninstalled pyttsx3 and than installed it again and than it worked but only in python3.
    answered Jun 16, 2021 by Nenad

    edited Mar 5

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