For a parent element there are two child elements If text of child 1 matches how to perfome action on Child2

+1 vote

The element is defined like this:

<div class ="frm-group'>
   <label  class ="ng.binding" "Source Environment" ..... </label>
   <select class "ng-touched" ...... </select>
<div class ="frm-group'>
   <label  class ="ng.binding" "Target Environment" ..... </label>
   <select class "ng-touched" ...... </select>

Div class is the parent class and "lable" and "select" class is the child class.

Problem Statement: I have to do the following :: If the Label.getText() matches with a string, then click on its respective select class and perform action.

I am capturing all the lable class elements in one WebElement List,

Below is my code:

public void add inputs(){
// here I will get two elements int the list
   List<Webelement> labels = BrowserFactory.getdriver().findElements(By.xPath("//div/label[@class='ng.binding']")
// here I will get two elements related to select in the list
List<Webelement> selectDropdown= BrowserFactory.getdriver().findElements(By.xPath("//div/select[@class='ng-touched']")

for (Webelement label: labels )
if (label.getText().equals("Target Environment"))
// here I have to click the select(dropdown) of the matched label

Help pelase..

Apr 8, 2020 in Selenium by Jyra
• 580 points
You could probably use contains function in xpath for this purpose.
not working, any other alternative using "following-sibling"

Yes you could use following-sibling for the same. 


Thanks, Kim.

On the same note for a table kind of Element given below, how to apply the following-sibling? If the table header matches with the input string, enter the value in its corresponding text box.

<div class ="table-class">

<table class ="table-response">



<th class = "ng-binding" >testcase</th>

<th class="ng-binding"> environment</th>

<th class="ng-binding"> source folder</th>




<tr class ="ng-scope">

<td class="ng-input">

<input class="ng-scope-input" id='testcaseid">


<td class ="ng-input">

<input class="ng-scope-input" id="environmentid">


<td class ="ng-input">

<input class="ng-scope-input" id="source folder">





TIn UI, this will be exactly in below format:

//Table Header

TestCAse ID   Environement  Source folder

<text box>      <text box>       <Text box>

TestCAse ID Environement  Source folder
<text box> <text box> <text box>

Hey @Jyra, could you please post your query as a new question?
HI Sirajul, Sorry, I ahve posted the question 2 days back, it is still is review and yet to be approval status. What shoudl i do, so that everyone can view the question. I ahve to submit my assignemnt today. ALmost 90% complete, struck with this problem. Need assistance plz

1 answer to this question.

+2 votes
Best answer

For your requirement, you could try using the following:


This should do!

answered Apr 9, 2020 by Kim

selected Apr 30, 2020 by Sirajul

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