Soft skills needed to prepare for interview - campus placement

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What are the neccessary soft skills that one should have (or learn) while preparing for interview?
Sep 4, 2019 in Career Counselling by rajeev
If you are talking about campus placements, You don't have to worry, most of the colleges train you on soft skills and aptitude as a part of your curriculum. Your college doesn't have it?
@Sirajul, how to learn these soft skills if college isn't providing the training? From where can I learn these soft skills? My college isn't giving any training.

1 answer to this question.

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Rajeev, soft skills play a major role in building one's profile and get a job.

Below are the necessary soft skills that are required -

1. Communication skills - All companies have GD as one of the rounds for recruitment to test communications skills to talk to customers/clients, handle, explain and share thoughts about work.

2. Leadership qualities - This skill is required to handle a group or team while working. A leader is responsible to motivate, improve the relationship between team members.

3. Decision making - Take real-time decisions in work and life which could be a short time or long time(strategic or operational )

4. Team Spirit - A person alone cannot do all the work in a team, so team bonding and understanding is required to work.

Especially during an Interview, the above skills are checked till the last round of interview along with other domain skills.

Hope it helps!
answered Sep 4, 2019 by anonymous
• 33,030 points
How are they going to check for team spirit through an interview?

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