I'm new to puppet templates and in an attempt to create one using resources that are available online.Here's a miniscule part of the template located at base/templates/puppet.conf.erb
server=<% puppetserver %>
I'm getting the above mentioned error while using this template.
Apart from other necessary stuff there's a module named "base" at
class base {
include base::install, base::service, base::config, base::params
class base::config {
include base::params
File {
require => Class["base::install"],
ensure => present,
owner => root,
group => root,
file { "/etc/puppet/puppet.conf":
mode => 0644,
content => template("base/puppet.conf.erb"),
require => Class["base::install"],
nofity => Service["puppet"],
class base::params {
$puppetserver = "pup01.sdirect.lab"
I'm having a tough time identifying where exactly am i going wrong? Any idea where my $puppetserver should be defined?