Error Could not find declared class firewall at etc puppetlabs code environments production manifests site pp

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On running  run /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent --test on my node I get the above error. as shown:

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement. Could not find declared class firewall at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/site.pp:7:1 on node mark-inspiron.

I have written a firewall module. the file section works but bot the firewall. Can somebody please help?

Here's my site.pp

file {'/tmp/it_works.txt':                        # resource type file and filename
  ensure  => present,                             # make sure it exists
  mode    => '0644',                              # file permissions
  content => "It works on ${ipaddress_eth0}!\n",  # Print the eth0 IP fact

class { 'firewall': }

resources { 'firewall':
    purge => true,

firewall { "051 asterisk-set-rate-limit-register":
    string      => "REGISTER sip:",
    string_algo => "bm",
    dport       => '5060',
    proto       => 'udp',
    recent      => 'set',
    rname       => 'VOIPREGISTER',
    rsource     => 'true';
firewall { "052 asterisk-drop-rate-limit-register":
    string      => "REGISTER sip:",
    string_algo => "bm",
    dport       => '5060',
    proto       => 'udp',
    action      => 'drop',
    recent      => 'update',
    rseconds    => '600',
    rhitcount   => '5',
    rname       => 'VOIPREGISTER',
    rsource     => true,
    rttl        => true;
Aug 5, 2019 in Puppet by Shreya

1 answer to this question.

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The modules that you install on master need to be somewhere in your modulepath. You can either place it in the modules directory within your $codedir (normally /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules) or in your directory environment modules directory (likely /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules in your case since your cited site.pp is there). you could also define some additional module paths in your environment.conf, and place those modules there.

There are many ways through which you can deploy those methods like r10k,code manager etc,but the easiest of them is to install puppetlabs-firewall  module.This will ensure that catalog will find it while compiling.

also note, that:

resources { 'firewall':
  purge => true,

will remove any changes to associated firewall configurations that are not managed by Puppet. 

answered Aug 5, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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