I am trying to install PyQt according to Bob's answer here:
I get the following error:
support for Python 2.7. ERROR: PyQt4-4.11.4-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
I tried upgrading pip using the following ...READ MORE
There is an efficient way to write ...READ MORE
The right datatype for destination in argpasrse module ...READ MORE
write at start of code import speech_recognition as ...READ MORE
You can also use the random library's ...READ MORE
Syntax : list. count(value) Code: colors = ['red', 'green', ...READ MORE
Enumerate() method adds a counter to an ...READ MORE
You can simply the built-in function in ...READ MORE
You cannot install PyQt directly from pip. ...READ MORE
YES! here’s a barcode scanner written in six ...READ MORE
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