How to start working on Hadoop

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Hi all, I have recently started learning hadoop. I know how hadoop works with MapReduce framework in a brief manner but, I want more practical exposure. So, I want to install hadoop on my local PC. I already tried installing hadoop single node on vm but I am getting stuck a lot.

Can any one please provide me steps for Hadoop installation. Also, I would like to know  which distribution should I go for i.e. Cloudera, Hortonworks or MapR? Any help would be very much appreciated.
Mar 30, 2018 in Big Data Hadoop by Damon Salvatore
• 5,980 points

1 answer to this question.

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Ok, so basically, you are looking forward to setup the hadoop dev environment in your local pc. All the distributions that you have mentioned are equally good. So, you can pick anyone of them. But, I would suggest you to go ahead with apache as it is easy to setup. Also, during setup you will get to learn about different configurations that comes with hadoop.

Nonetheless, in case you want to go ahead with  cloudera or hortonworks, you can directly download the ready made vm that they provide. These VM have everything pre-installed in it. Here is the link to download them:

Now, to install apache hadoop in you local pc, all the steps are mentioned in this blog. Just follow along, in case you get stuck anywhere just put error in the comment along with screenshot.

Blog link:

answered Mar 30, 2018 by kurt_cobain
• 9,350 points

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