How to start your journey with Data Analytics

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I just wanted to learn data analytics and want to start my career with data analytics, From where I need to start my career. I just came across your course i.e., I am too afraid why I need to select this course with a huge amount of fees, Is there any other way though i can start learning freely.

Apr 25, 2019 in Data Analytics by Vijay
• 200 points

1 answer to this question.

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Since you're new to the field, I'd suggest you to go through free resources till you understand the depth and variety of concepts. Once you learn the basics, then its time to go for a training program to get serious in your field of interest.

You can follow this YouTube playlist: for learning various concepts related to Data Analytics.

The benefit with that Analytics Masters program is that pretty much everything related to analytics is covered. You're taught about R, Python, Excel, SAS, etc..

1. You will undergo live training from an industry practitioner
2. You will be placed with a Personal Learning Manager who will ensure you are finishing your assignments and learning constantly
3. Certification will only be awarded on Merit. i.e only if you finish your project
4. The learning material offered to you is for lifetime

So have a detailed look at the training program before going for it. IMO, it should be worth every penny.

Elevate Your Data Analyst Skills with the Best Course. - Join Our Leading Data Analyst Course!

answered Apr 25, 2019 by Vardhan
• 13,150 points

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