So, I successfully have connected the SensorTag with the BLE SensorTag app on my Android phone and I can use the default Push to Cloud Quickstart setup to send data to IoT Foundation Quickstart. But I keep attempting to to connect to IoT Foundation as a registered device and fail.
My device registration IoT foundation:
Organization ID abcdef (<- not my real org on IoT Foundation)
Device Type sensortag
Device ID sensortag1
Authentication Method token
Authentication Token somecrypticcharacters
This is the BLE SensorTag app on my phone in Cloud Setup:
Cloud Service: IBM IoT Foundation
Username: use-token-auth
Password: somecrypticcharacters
Device id: d:abcdef:sensortag:sensortag1
Broker add.:
Broker Port: 1883
Publish topic: iot-2/evt/sensors/fmt/json
On enabling Push to Cloud, this error gets thrown at me.
"Failed with error code: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.String.equals(java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference'
Can any tell me where I'm going wrong here?