IBM Bluemix with IBM IoT Foundation throws error and refuses connection

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I'm using the combination of IBM Internet of Things Foundation with IBM Bluemix Platform to send data to the IBM cloud with my regitered device and to connect my device's data to the cloud applications. 
But even after setting up my device and registering with the IOTF, I still can't seem to connect to the cloud or the cloud service to manage my device. I've even cross-checked the unique application ID and the API key several times now and they seem to be correct and yet, I still keep getting the following error upon trying to connect the registered device:  
Error connecting to IBM IoT: {"errorCode":6,"errorMessage":"AMQJS0006E Bad Connack return code:5 Connection Refused: not authorized."}

Where could I be going wrong and how can I resolve this 'not authorized' error?

Jul 30, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Bharani
• 4,660 points

1 answer to this question.

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I think you either forgot or did not know that you have to add yourself as a permanent member after logging into Bluemix. So, I'm guessing you've  logged in and created the service and org through the Bluemix dashboard, but since you did not add yourself as a permanent member, the 24 hours of the guest pass you get must have expired and you're not being recognised as a member anymore making your device unauthorized under the IBM IoT Foundation cloud service.

So, now when you set up your device again, you'll get a 24-hour guest pass again. This time make sure to go to your IOTF-Bluemix dashboard and add yourself as a permanent member. Upon launching the IOTF dashboard from the Bluemix IoT Platform's cloud service, find the tab named Access. Under this Access tab, you'll find that you've been listed as a 'guest' user. Once you add yourself as a permanent member here, you'll be listed as a permanent member of the org and now you'll be able to successfully connect and manage your registered device without getting the 'not authorized' error. 

Launch your dashboard from here:

And, add yourself as a permanent member here under the Access tab:

answered Jul 30, 2018 by DataKing99
• 8,250 points

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