Create subset and overall value line chart

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This may sounds very simple but I am finding hard to get that. I have a data with value in one column and category in another column. i.e.,

Value Category Month
100     A       Jan
300     A       Feb
200     A       Mar
459     B       Jan
334     B       Feb
765     B       Mar

I am trying to use a line chart in tableau with Month on X axis and Value on Y-axis.Basically I am trying to add two lines, one for overall value for that particular month and another line for Category A alone for that particular month. Say for example the overall value for Jan as 559 and another line in same graph for category A for Jan as 100.

Though it sounds so basic, I find hard to achieve this. Should I create a calculated field for this or is there any simple method that works for this.

Mar 13, 2019 in Tableau by Nithin

1 answer to this question.

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Hi Nithin,

1. First create a line chart for month vs value for both categories A and B.

2. Add category in filter and select only A.

3. Create a calculated field to find the total value for month by { FIXED [Value] : SUM([Value]) }

4. Now make a dual axis chart of total vs value for month .

5. Now you will get the below line chart.  

Hope this helps you.

answered Mar 13, 2019 by Cherukuri
• 33,030 points

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