How to extract data from a website and save it to excel using UiPath

+3 votes
I want to extract data from a website and save the extracted data into an excel file. How can I do that using UiPath, please suggest?
Mar 8, 2019 in RPA by Piyush
in that same but i need new version i mean 2021 uipath version how I want to extract data from a website and save the extracted data into an excel file.

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi Piyush, if you want to extract data from a website and save it into an excel file using UiPath, you can simply use Data Scraping from Design Tab of UiPath. To do so, go through the following steps one by one to get an idea:

1. Create a Sequence. Now open a browser and go to

2. Now search for Football Balls and exclude the Out Of Stock items.

3. Now come back to UiPath Studio and click on Data Scraping from Design Ribbon Tab.

4. Now follow the Data Scraping Wizard:

  • Click Next to select First Item Name. Then click Next to select Second item name to form a pattern.
  • Now click on Extract URL Checkbox and give names to columns like Football Name & URL.
  • Then Click on Extract Corelated Data to extract other details like Price etc. 
  • Finally click on Finish, to finish the wizard. You will be asked to indicate a Next button in case items are present on multiple pages. 
5. Then come back to UiPath again, and drag an Excel Application Scope activity below Data Scraping activity. Mention the file path of existing excel file into which you would like to extract data.
6. Add a Write Range activity. Here mention the extracted Data table (generated automatically in Data Scrapping activity).
7. Now simply run this activity and you have your data extracted.
answered Mar 8, 2019 by Anvi
• 14,150 points

selected Jul 31, 2019 by Abha
If I want to search a five random products details and extract data from a website and save it to excel
Hi Tejaswi, by random products you mean searching for 5 products one by one and saving all the products details? Please clarify your question.
hai.. yeah, like iphone, samsung,redmi,one plus, vivo.. if i search iphone i want  those  extract data from a website and save the extracted data into an excel file..and   again dynamically i search about samsung those  extract data from a website and save the extracted data into an excel file in my  excel sheet redmi,one plus.. i hope you understand my question..
Hi Teja, so what you can do to search 5 random products, follow the steps mentioned by @Anvi in her answer and after Step1, Use a For loop for 5 times and inside that loop, add Data Scraping activity and Excel Application Scope activity.

I hope this would resolve your problem.
thanq..Abha i will try..
You're welcome Teja. Feel free to ask if you face any issue.
Hi....How to read different product names from Excel and type the product names into search bar of flipkart app and grab all products information using data scrapping and write these values into Excel sheet
Hey @Hary, Could you please post this as a separate query?

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