Are you satisfied with your job

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I have been ìn the IT industry for 4 years now and I have worked in 2 companies in 3 different departments. But I was never satisfied with any of these jobs. Every time I feel there's something missing or it is not right for me. Is it my problem that I expect too much? is anyone satisfied with their job?
Feb 12, 2019 in Career Counselling by Jai

5 answers to this question.

0 votes
Nobody is ever completely satisfied with their job. If someone tells you that he/she is satisfied with their job, then trust me, that person is lying. There are always gonna be things missing. But, what you have to do is concentrate on the pros than thinking about the cons. Think about the positive things about your job. How is the job improving you? what are you learning from it? etc. That's how you need to tackle this.
answered Feb 12, 2019 by Rohit
0 votes
Good answer by @Rohit. And as he said, nobody is satisfied with their job. So, don't keep the mindset that you are expecting too much. It's in human nature. Just learn as much as you can, up-skill, and then when you think there's no more to go ahead, you can switch companies. That's how it usually works.
answered Feb 21, 2019 by Firoz
0 votes

Hey @Jai, you're probably not doing what you like. You could take a break from your mundane routine and spend some time in introspection. You should write down a list of interests you have and associate them with potential career pathways.

 Fret not, you're not in this alone. There are many people who find themselves in a similar situation. 

answered Feb 26, 2019 by Kim
0 votes

Probably this field is not meant for you. Honestly, nobody is satisfied with their jobs. Expecting too much from yourself is never bad, expecting too much from others is bad. Expecting too much from yourself will just help you understand yourself better and push yourself to a better future. 

answered Mar 11, 2019 by Vikas
0 votes

I am a machine learning engineer. I completed my graduation last year after graduation I join Machine Learning Training Institute during the training i am placed in a company and my job profile is machine learning engineer. I am very happy to a part of this company because we work as a family, they provide all the necessary facilities regarding the job. the main thing which I love about this topic is that I can implement the knowledge in the field of my interest.

thank you
answered Mar 12, 2019 by SA
• 1,090 points
Hey @SA, I have had a word with this academy and trust me the service they offered me is available for free on youtube. I asked them about the course content, the person was numb and could not give a proper answer. I was looking for Python web-development course at that time but then, I saw the different online courses, they have the clarity about what are you going to get and how will it be taught plus I got a real time project to work on. I am not saying that this Noida institute will be bad or something but I found it more convinient to join an online course.
hlo shuvodip Ghosh,

the Inconvenient which you face through the institute is understandable. but the institute which I pursue give me full knowledge and help me in build career in machine learning.
Hahaha @SA, are you marketing for this institute?
NO, I am not promoting this institute. I am trying to give my views on this platform.

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