Why do Software Engineers get paid relatively high

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Software Engineers write codes. And learning these coding languages is easy because there are a lot of resources on the internet. When learning it is freely available and almost everyone can do it, why is the salary relatively high?
Feb 12, 2019 in Career Counselling by John

3 answers to this question.

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I completely agree with you on the resources part. But what actually matters is how many people are doing it rather than considering how many people can do it. Though there are a lot of resources available, people don't use them. And one main thing is that all Software Engineers don't get paid high, good Software Engineers get paid high. And the reason the salary is high is that there are few good Software Engineers.
answered Feb 12, 2019 by Joshi
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One reason is because of the demand. Almost everything is getting digitalized now, and digitalization means software. And with this, the demand for Software engineers is getting higher. And even if software engineering has got good resources, it is not easy to master it. Hence, the high salary
answered Feb 21, 2019 by Janan
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Yes this is true that Software engineers relatively get pay well not because they learn everything from internet. Its not about only learning but its also about what extra you have developed after learning those. And yes not every engineer get good salary, some exceptions are there.

Resource is not everything, yes that can be a start but continuing with the work on that will make a bit different from others, and at that point based on your performance your salary will be negotiable. So work hard to get pay well.
answered Apr 8, 2019 by sumita

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