What all does Edureka s DevOps course cover

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I'm planning on starting a DevOps course and wanted to know Edureka's curriculum. Thank you
Jan 29, 2019 in Career Counselling by Maria

2 answers to this question.

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Hi @Maria Edureka's DevOps Post Graduate Program provides in-depth knowledge of various DevOps tools including Git, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Puppet, Kubernetes and Nagios. This training is completely hands-on oriented and designed in a way to help you become a certified practitioner by providing the best practices about Continuous Development, Continuous Testing, Configuration Management, and Continuous Integration and finally Continuous Monitoring of the software throughout its development life cycle.

answered Jan 29, 2019 by Emily
0 votes

Edureka's Devops Course is a conglomerate of the essential and trending technologies that are actually the need of the hour in the IT industry.

  • To begin with it gives a crisp and concise introduction on devops

  • It has Git as a part of the version control system

  • Maven tutorial for build tools

  • Jenkins tutorial for continous integration.

  • Selenium as a part of continous testing section.

  • Docker , Kubernetes as a part of containerization and orchestration technologies for continous deployment.

  • Puppet, Ansible for Configuration Management

  • Nagios as a part of Continous Monitoring

  • Finally It talks about Devops on cloud.

It's a perfect guide with ample hands on and laboratory excercises along with a set of to do tasks that will enable you become a full fledged devops professional.

answered Jul 29, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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