I've just begun experimenting with home automation and appliance control via the Internet. I already have some experience with audio transport in distributed infotainment systems via MOST and Ethernet. When I came across IoT and its many applications in the home environment for appliances, security, environment, landscape maintenance, etc., I had also hoped to find a standard command and control protocol, like something analogous to IEEE1722.1, but applicable to command and control in the home automation.
I could find a number of packaged solutions (i.e. products and software recommendations) available including a number of kits (e.g. RPI3 and Beaglebone Black, TINI) that would serve as useful platforms for home environment, but nowhere could I even find a mention of a standard protocol for command and control of the home apps. There are the lower layer protocols like IP, TCP, UDP, SSL, HTTP, etc. but no standard application layer protocol. Does such a protocol standard (either formal or de-facto) exist? If it does, please point me at it? Any info or links would be much appreciated. TIA!