Tap a Button to Push Notification

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I am working on the UWP -IoT and I wanted to push notification with a button tap event. How can I do it?

Plus, after my IoT device receives the push notification, is it possible to perform some operations or actions based on it? Like say, while the IoT UWP application is running, a notification arrives and the user can't tap on the notification. Could such events be handled?
Jan 8, 2019 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Bharani
• 4,660 points

1 answer to this question.

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Generally, sending push notifications fall under the scope of the application or its related web service. So, you won't be needing any special platform APIs for doing just that. All you need to do is send the correct payload to the Microsoft Push Notification server, using the ChannelURI you got on registering the client. Check more about it on MSDN: Windows Push Notification Services (WNS) overview.

Any client code can handle incoming "raw" push notifications. They don't show any UI by default, but you can have background tasks showing the UI to notify a user. More about it on MSDN: Raw notification overview.

answered Jan 8, 2019 by nirvana
• 3,130 points

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