I'm trying to program a stepper motor in C# using Visual Studio. I have it connected to a Raspberry Pi 2 running Windows 10 IoT Core.
Motor: HSY214 - F0.8 A NEMA8 - Steppermotor
Driver: A4988
I need to write a time-bound code for a background application but sleep and delay are missing, and I'm only being able to program via Remote-Debug. Just somehow, even System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(time) is not available. I also tried to use a timer but the time being different between each step makes it difficult to implement. Like, there are 5 steps that go fast, then 2 steps go slow, then 5 steps fast again, 2 steps slow again and so on.So, can someone please guide me or point me in the right direction so as to how I could program the motor correctly?