Docker for Windows error Host Network Stack Use

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I'm working on a project, using ROS, Bebop_autonomy, and OpenCV to run a Parrot Bebop2. My system is running on Ubuntu 14.04.5, and I can start a container using an image that I created with "docker run -it --network=host username/image".

After setting up everything inside the container, the bebop autonomy node is good to go and can communicate on the Bebop's network perfectly. When you run ip addr in both the container and host machine, they show the same address, as you'd expect.

But, when I try to run it on my Windows machine, the IP is different than the host machine, and I'm never receiving any ACK packets, when I try to communicate with the Bebop. I think this is because the packets aren't being sent to the right ip, or they aren't being forwarded correctly.

I created my own network and set up the ip manually with "docker network create" and passed it in to the run command as an argument, despite of doing this, it doesn’t work.

Is there a way to configure Docker for Windows to work similar to how Docker works on Linux when providing --network=host?
Nov 30, 2018 in DevOps & Agile by Sophie may
• 10,620 points

1 answer to this question.

0 votes
I solved this by creating a separate network in Hyper-V manager, I set up that network to only use an external wifi-adapter and running the container using that network.
answered Nov 30, 2018 by Sophie may
• 10,620 points

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