The %in% operator tells which elements are ...READ MORE
The function distinct() in the dplyr package ...READ MORE
library(ggplot2) p <- data.frame(Day=c("2011-04-11", "2014-05-24","2004-01-12","2014-06-20","2010-08-07","2014-05-28"), Impressions=c(24010,15959,16107,21792,24933,21634),Clicks=c(211,106,248,196,160,241)) p ...READ MORE
You can try to override ggplots default ...READ MORE
Use nrow() to find number of rows ...READ MORE
Try this , Employee %>% group_by(EmpID) %>% mutate(SumSalary ...READ MORE
You can use pmap as follows: nc <- ...READ MORE
Hi, The below code returns rows without ...READ MORE
# Load a dataset(to work with) # We’ll ...READ MORE
grid.arrange() directly draws on our device. However, ...READ MORE
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