Why is MathJax not properly rendered in my kableExtra table when using Quarto and how can I fix it

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Why is MathJax not properly rendered in my kableExtra table when using Quarto, and how can I fix it?

I'm using Quarto to generate reports with LaTeX-based mathematical notation using MathJax, but the formulas inside my kableExtra tables are not rendering correctly. The equations display as plain text rather than formatted math expressions. What are the possible reasons for this issue? How can I ensure that MathJax properly renders within tables generated using kableExtra in Quarto?
Feb 28 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 19,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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MathJax is not rendering properly within kableExtra tables in Quarto, most of the time emanating from how HTML escapes LaTeX expressions in table cells. Quarto could even take these formulas like ordinary text and not MathJax expressions. Here are a few possible reasons and solutions:

Possible reasons for why MathJax does not render:

Quarto Escapes HTML by Default:

Quarto usually escapes the special characters inside the kableExtra tables, and therefore, MathJax could not process those.

Need Explicit $$ or \( \) Wrapping for MathJax:

If cells in the table do not define inline or block delimiters for any formulas, MathJax will ignore them.

Missing HTML Dependencies Include:

If MathJax is not properly included, it won't render LaTeX within the tables.

Rendering Format Conflict (HTML vs PDF vs Markdown):

There is a requirement for different handling in the case of some rendering formats, like PDF with LaTeX, which should be different from HTML.

Solutions to Ensure that MathJax Renders in kableExtra Tables

1. Disable HTML escaping in kableExtra: with escape = FALSE

Disable HTML Escaping in kableExtra: With escape = FALSE. That would ensure that LaTeX is interpreted:


df <- data.frame(
  Variable = c("x", "y"),
  Formula = c("$x^2 + y^2$", "$\\frac{a}{b} + c$")

kable(df, escape = FALSE) %>% 

2. Use Proper MathJax Delimiters

Ensure equations are wrapped with:

  • Inline math: \( x^2 + y^2 \)
  • Block math: $$ x^2 + y^2 $$

Example in kableExtra:

df <- data.frame(
  Formula = c("\\( x^2 + y^2 \\)", "$$\\frac{a}{b} + c$$")

kable(df, escape = FALSE)

3. Explicitly Load MathJax in Quarto

In your Quarto YAML header, include:

      text: |
        <script type="text/javascript">
          MathJax = {
            tex: { inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']] }

This ensures MathJax loads correctly in the HTML output.

4. Use as_is from knitr

For better LaTeX handling within Quarto + kableExtra, you can use knitr::asis_output():

df$Formula <- knitr::asis_output(df$Formula)

This prevents unwanted escaping in HTML reports.

Final Thoughts

The best approach depends on your output format (HTML, PDF, Word). If rendering for HTML, use escape = FALSE with properly formatted MathJax syntax. If outputting to PDF via LaTeX, ensure kableExtra correctly integrates with LaTeX equations

answered Feb 28 by anonymous
• 19,000 points

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