To prevent Webpack Dev Server from initiating XHR requests in production mode, you should ensure that the devServer configuration in your Webpack setup is properly adjusted.
In production mode, you typically want to disable features related to development servers, such as hot-reloading and XHR requests for live reloading. You can achieve this by setting the devServer option to false or configuring it conditionally based on the environment.
Here's an example of how to conditionally configure devServer in your Webpack config file:
module.exports = {
mode: 'production',
devServer: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? {
// Enable dev server features only in development mode
hot: true,
contentBase: './dist',
// Any other dev server options...
} : false, // Disable dev server in production
This ensures that the Webpack Dev Server only runs when the NODE_ENV is set to 'development', and in production mode, it will not initiate XHR requests or any related dev-server behavior.