If you were tasked with building a Jenkins pipeline to run scheduled jobs how would you set this up Could you provide examples of time-based triggers for nightly builds or periodic tests

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If you were tasked with building a Jenkins pipeline to run scheduled jobs, how would you set this up? Could you provide examples of time-based triggers for nightly builds or periodic tests?

The question explores setting up scheduled tasks in Jenkins to automate periodic actions like nightly builds, regression tests, or cleanup jobs. It seeks details on configuring time-based triggers using cron syntax and ensuring pipelines execute reliably at specified intervals.
Nov 19, 2024 in DevOps Tools by Anila
• 5,070 points

1 answer to this question.

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To configure scheduled jobs:

  • Use the "Build Periodically" Option or Cron Trigger: Utilize Jenkins' "Build Periodically" feature or add a cron trigger to schedule jobs.

  • Define Cron Syntax: Specify the cron syntax to schedule builds, such as nightly builds at 2 AM (0 2 * * *).

  • Use Triggers in Declarative Pipelines: Include a triggers block in declarative pipelines to manage automated builds efficiently.

Enable Logging and Alerts: Ensure logging is enabled, and alerts are configured so that failures can be easily monitored and addressed.


answered Nov 29, 2024 by Gagana
• 9,950 points

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