Apache Felix In the OSQI container I never see my custom command

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I'm new to OSGI and I started with the enRoute Base Tutorial. I exported the provider project into a jar and wanted to deploy it into concierge/Felix in both I was able to manage the lifecycle of the bundle (install/start/stop..) the issue is that the commands that I created I never can see them in there, but in eclipse the gogo commands are present and I can see/execute them.

I don't know how to figure this out, it says gogo commandNotFoundException. Is these 2 options have any imact ? (runfw+runee).

I developed on windows and they are set on: runfw : org.eclipse.osgi and runee : JavaSE-1.8 and once I deploy this in Linux, Felix/concierge container on a compact 1 Embedded Java SE it does the issue.
Oct 10, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Annie97
• 2,160 points

1 answer to this question.

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Actually, I might just know what was the issue. As you are running your bundles inside concierge, the issue might be that there are 2 shells running: the one you've installed for bundles and the concierge one. Try stopping the concierge shell, you would be able to see commands when you run the help.

answered Oct 10, 2018 by Upasana
• 8,620 points

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