How can I improve the root detection in my Flutter app to prevent bypassing using tools like Frida

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I have `Flutter` app did root detection using `root_jailbreak_detector`. But using `Frida` & other tools is able to bypass it by the testing team

Please help me. How to fix it?

Apr 14, 2023 in Flutter by Ashwini
• 5,430 points

1 answer to this question.

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Root detection in Flutter can be bypassed by several tools and techniques like Frida and other dynamic analysis tools. Here are some tips to improve the root detection in your Flutter app:

  1. Use multiple detection techniques: Use multiple techniques to detect root or jailbreak, so that it becomes difficult for an attacker to bypass all of them.

  2. Obfuscate the code: Use code obfuscation techniques to make it harder for an attacker to understand the logic behind root detection.

  3. Use secure storage: Store sensitive data such as root detection flags in a secure storage like Shared Preferences or Keychain, so that it becomes harder for an attacker to modify them.

  4. Use tamper-proof libraries: Use tamper-proof libraries like Flutter Obfuscate that can protect the app against tampering and reverse engineering attempts.

  5. Use native code: Incorporate native code in the app that can detect root or jailbreak using low-level system calls, which are harder to bypass.

  6. Regularly update the detection techniques: Keep updating the detection techniques, so that it becomes harder for an attacker to bypass them.

Remember that no detection technique is foolproof, but by using a combination of these techniques, you can make it harder for an attacker to bypass the root detection in your Flutter app.

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answered Apr 14, 2023 by vinayak

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