I'm attempting to create numerous columns in Excel. I have a list that looks like this.
the other list will be like
I can't make a dataframe in pandas and write it since I will have several varied sized(length) lists.
I want it in excel be like

I am not sure which framework to use, openpyxl or pandas which will solve this issue
I have used your suggestion in this way;
with pd.ExcelWriter(var_path, engine='openpyxl', mode='r+', if_sheet_exists='overlay') as writer:
book = load_workbook(var_path)
current_sheet = book[var_sheetname]
Column_H = current_sheet['H']
maxrow = max(c.row for c in Column_H if c.value is not None)
except ValueError:
maxrow = 1
print(var_sheetname,maxrow,'writing docs')