How do I stop python from appending data to the same row in excel

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I want to store some website data that I collected in Excel. The procedure is running smoothly, however the issue is that it repeatedly overwrites the fresh data in the first row. I added the data to the excel file using the following code:

Claim_Level.append((head(PDF_FormatType, AR_Configuration_Name, p_dob, Client_Id, p_payor, Provider_Address, p_taxid, p_bpnpi, p_renp, Insurance_Address, CHECK_EFT_Address, CHECK_EFT_Number, p_name, INSURED_NAME, PATIENT_CORRECTED_NAME, Account_Number, Sr_No, p_dos, p_dsub, p_ins, INSURED_CORRECTED_ID, p_ctype, Billed_Amount, Paid_Amount, Total_Contractual_Amount, Deductible_Amount, Coninsurance_Amount, Co_Pay_Amount, Adjustment_Amount, Claim_Status_No, p_cnum, Plan_Name, Claim_Paid_Date, CROSS_OVER_PAYER_NAME, Non_Covered_Amount, Covered_Amount, DRG_Number, DRG_Amount, Total_Allowed_Amount, Medical_Record_Number, Interest, Sequestration_Amount, Total_Patient_Responsibility, Late_Filing_Charge, Payee_ID, Patient_Group_Policy_No, Check_EFT_Date, Previously_Paid, Forwarded_to_Additional_Payer, PATIENT_RESPONSIBILITY_REASON_CODE, ASG, Processed_As, Expected_Reimbursement, p_renp, p_rpnpi, Claim_Status, Inboxes_Name, Category, Queue, Inbox_Description, Unknown_Inbox_Category, OCR_Processed_Date, time, i, xnum)))

csvgenerater = pd.DataFrame(Claim_Level)

with pd.ExcelWriter('OUTPUT_FILE.xlsx', mode=mode) as writer:
.....csvgenerater.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = 'ClaimLevel_Output', index=False)     

The screenshot of the code: enter image description here

I want it to store the data row by row and not overwrite it.

Mar 25, 2023 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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There is no indication in your code as to what value the variable mode has. Ensure sure it is in add mode and has the value "a." Otherwise, an Excel file will be created from the variable csvgenerater.

The existing Excel file can also be read as a DataFrame, a row added, and the DataFrame is then saved as an Excel file.
answered Mar 25, 2023 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

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