How do I set the default paste special in excel to paste only values

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My Excel spreadsheet uses one of the cells as a user entry box. If users choose to paste something in this cell, I only want the values and not the format to be pasted. Is it possible to change the paste option's default to paste-only values?
Nov 6, 2022 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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I paste the values with a keyboard shortcut. If you press Alt, E, S, V, and Enter, the values will be passed. (Don't hold down the Alt key; press the keys one at a time.)

When you press Alt, E, S to open the paste special dialogue box, V to choose Values, then Enter to complete the action. For anything copied from Excel, this works well.

Alt, E, and S will get you there if you're copying something from outside of Excel, however, it will give you some other possibilities for paste special. You also have the choice of adding a button to your fast access toolbar, which may then be accessed by clicking it or by using a keyboard shortcut. On the fast access toolbar, the objects are numbered. When you add paste values, you will be able to choose that action by pressing Alt+4 (or whatever number appears when you press Alt), assuming that you have the default save, undo, and redo settings.
answered Nov 6, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

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